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Welcome to Wright-N-Co!

phoenix :3

Welcome to my Ace Attorney fansite :3!

I'll be sharing all sorts of AA fan stuff here, both my own and recs of stuff I really like! I draw, write fanfic, and make fun edits, so you'll be seeing those around here.

Please note that some pages may not work well on mobile. I will do my best to get as much working as possible, but I'm bad at html (•᷄- •᷅ ;).

If you're on mobile, I suggest viewing the site in landscape!

What is Ace Attorney?

phoenix :3

Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban in Japan) is a visual novel puzzle series created by Shu Takumi and developed by Capcom. The main series primarily follows Phoenix Wright, a defense attorney, as he gathers evidence and defends his clients in seemingly impossible-to-win trials.

The series was originally realeased in Japan on the Game Boy Advance, with the first entry launching on October 12th, 2001. The series was later ported to the Nintendo DS and localized in the US, launching on October 11th, 2005.

Currently, there are six games in the main Ace Attorney series, as well as multiple spin-offs.